New above ground rainwater tank installation

by | Dec 11, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

New Above Ground Rainwater Tank Installation

Installing a new above ground rainwater tank can be a great solution for collecting and using rainwater. Recently, we completed a rainwater tank installation with an external pump feeding a hose tap. This rainwater tank is fed by four charged downpipes running from the roof of a newly constructed stable.

The new above ground rainwater tank installation is perfect for this stable, which is built away from the main dwelling. This setup allows for efficient water collection and use without needing to connect to the main house’s water supply. Water tanks are an excellent way to make use of natural rainwater, which can be used for various purposes such as watering gardens, washing down surfaces, and more.

Commitment to excellence

When we first started the installation, we connected two downpipes as per the guttering system designed by the stable company. However, during the first rain, we noticed that the guttering system couldn’t handle the water flow at the far end. To solve this problem, we returned to install two extra downpipes. Despite the not-so-great weather, we made sure the guttering system could effectively feed the rainwater tank without any overflow issues.

In addition to setting up the water tank and downpipes, we also left a provision underground for a cold outlet. This outlet is intended to feed a hot water system for a horse wash-down bay. While this part of the project wasn’t completed during our visit, it’s a good example of how water tank can be integrated into various systems and future plans.

Call us for rainwater tank installation

If you need a rainwater solution unique to your property, we can provide a rainwater tank system that fits your requirements and allows room for future expansion. Our water tanks are versatile and can be adapted to many different setups and requirements.

Be sustainable with rainwater tanks

Rainwater tank is a sustainable and cost-effective way to manage water resources. By installing a water storage tank, you can reduce your dependence on mains water and make use of the natural water that falls on your property. This is particularly useful in areas where water restrictions are common, or in remote locations where connecting to the main water supply is difficult or expensive.

The sustainability benefits extend beyond water conservation. Rainwater harvesting reduces stormwater runoff, which can otherwise lead to urban flooding and pollution of water bodies with debris and contaminants. Moreover, using rainwater for non-potable purposes such as gardening, toilet flushing, and washing vehicles reduces the demand on treated drinking water for activities that don’t require it.

In addition to environmental benefits, water tanks contribute to financial savings by lowering water bills over time and providing a backup water supply during interruptions in municipal water service. 

When considering a rainwater tank installation, it’s important to think about the placement of the tank and how it will be integrated into your existing systems. Our team can help you plan and install a water tank that maximises water collection and use efficiency. Whether you need a water tank for a stable, garden, or household use, we have the expertise to set up a system that works for you.

Call John today

John is your local plumber and hot water system specialist, covering the Illawarra, Shellharbour, Wollongong, and Shoalhaven areas. With years of experience in rainwater tank installations, John can help you find the perfect water tank solution for your property.

In short, installing a new above ground rainwater tank with an external pump and charged downpipes is a great way to collect and use rainwater. This setup is particularly useful for buildings like stables that are located away from the main dwelling. By adding extra downpipes, we made sure that the guttering system could handle heavy rainfall and effectively feed the rainwater tank. We also planned for future needs by leaving a provision for a cold outlet to feed a hot water system for a horse wash-down bay.

If you need a water tank installation for your property, we are here to help. Our rainwater tanks are designed to be efficient, sustainable, and expandable. Contact John for all your rainwater tank projects in the Illawarra, Shellharbour, Wollongong, and Shoalhaven areas. With a rainwater tank, you can make the most of the natural rainwater that falls on your property and reduce your reliance on mains water.

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new above ground rainwater tank illawarra


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